Minor Triads Chart
This chart lists all of the possible Minor Triads. It is organized so you can find all the triads that contain the note you have selected. Find your note in the left hand column and then go across the row to see your options.
As shown, your note may be in the Root, 3rd, or 5th position.
Chords in parentheses "( )" are either not common spellings or unavailable when using Musicards. For such cases, Enharmonic spellings are more helpful.
Use this chart for the Musicards game, "Squeeze". This can also be helpful when composing and trying to decide alternative chords to utilize.
NOTE As the Root As the 3rd As the 5th
C C-Eb-G A-C-E F-Ab-C
C# C#-E-G# (A#-C#-E#) F#-A-C#
Db (Db-Fb-Ab) Bb-Db-F (Gb-Bbb-Db)
D D-F-A B-D-F# G-Bb-D
D# D#-F#-A# (B#-D#-Fx) G#-B-D#
Eb Eb-Gb-Bb C-Eb-G (Ab-Cb-Eb)
E E-G-B C#-E-G# A-C-E
F F-Ab-C D-F-A Bb-Db-F
F# F#-A-C# D#-F#-A# B-D-F#
Gb (Gb-Bbb-Db) Eb-Gb-Bb (Cb-Ebb-Gb)
G G-Bb-D E-G-B C-Eb-G
G# G#-B-D# (E#-G#-B#) C#-E-G#
Ab (Ab-Cb-Eb) F-Ab-C (Db-Fb-Ab)
A A-C-E F#-A-C# D-F-A
A# (A#-C#-E#) (Fx-A#-Cx) D#-F#-A#
Bb Bb-Db-F (Gb-Bbb-Db) Eb-Gb-Bb
B B-D-F# G#-B-D# E-G-B